To cache images: Step 1: Add the cached_network_image package. dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter cupertino_icons: ^1.0.2 cached_network_image: ^3.2.0 <-- SEE HERE Step 2: Display the image using CachedNetworkImage widget. CachedNetworkImage( placeholder: (context, url) => const Circular...
This article mainly introduces how to use MQTT in the Flutter project to implement the connection between the client and MQTT broker, subscribe, unsubscribe, send and receive messages, and other functions. Learn more: How to use MQTT on Android. Project Preparation Create a project Create a new...
幸运的是,Flutter 提供了对多线程的支持,这有助于提高应用性能。 In this article, we’ll explore what multithreading is, why it’s essential for developing high-performance apps, and how to use it in Flutter. 在本文中,我们将探讨什么是多线程,为什么它对于开发高性能应用程序至关重要,以及如何在 Flu...
return CachedNetworkImage( imageUrl: imageUrl, imageBuilder: (context, imageProvider) { final format = imageUrl.toLowerCase().contains('png') ? ImageByteFormat.png : ImageByteFormat.rawRgba; imageProvider.getBytes(context, format: format).then((imageBytes) { if (imageBytes != null && image...
and bind it to the Texture Widget. The video data of the Native SDK will be converted into the image format at the AgoraRtcWrapper layer, and then we can use the MarkTextureFrameAvailable function of the FlutterTextureRegistry to notify FlutterTexture to obtain the image data from the call...
The performance of apps built with Flutter has been established to be highly efficient. So, this platform has been utilized by an extensive range of business profiles. Many leading firms like My Leaf, Google Ads, AppTree, and more use Flutter. Across the technological sector, Flutter is synchr...
Before diving into a code let me give you a short intro about the packages we are gonna use. http package: Beginner-friendly package for making network calls. cached_network_image: Used to load and cache network images. flutter_staggered_grid_view: A Flutter staggered grid view which ...
flutter_svg: ^1.1.6 Step 2: Get the dependency by flutter pub get Step 3: Import plugin import 'package:flutter_svg/flutter_svg.dart'; Step 4: Use in the code, from asset by SvgPicture.asset("assets/alarm_icon.svg"); Step 5: From network ...
The code below is what we would use to create a Card similar to the one shown in the Visual Layout of a Flutter Card section above. Card buildCard() { var heading = '\$2300 per month'; var subheading = '2 bed, 1 bath, 1300 sqft'; var cardImage = NetworkImage( 'https://...
In many live streams, there’s also a level of interaction between the streamer and the viewers. This can be in the form of live chats, votes, or other forms of engagement. How to Ensure High-Quality Live Streaming in Flutter Ensuring high-quality live streaming in a Flutter application in...