Neovim is a highly customizable, modernized fork of Vim, designed to improve the extensibility and user experience of the classic text editor. It introduces features like asynchronous plugins, a built-in terminal emulator, and Lua scripting capabilities, making it a powerful tool for developers and ...
Almost every Linux distribution comes withfdiskby default and we are going to use this tool today. The first thing you need to know is what device is assigned to the disk with the partitions you want to remove. To do that, type the following in the terminal: sudo fdisk --list This wil...
Vimis an exceptional and widely used terminal-based text editor in the Linux community. A growing number of Linux users are slowly embracing the use ofvimtext editor to meet their file editing objectives. Not all Linux users are quick to embrace and stick to the default settings and configurati...
How to Install NeoVim and Plugins with vim-plug How to Load Test Your Applications with Locust How to Use JMeter to Load Test Your Applications How to Use Midnight Commander, a Visual File Manager How to Use Nmap for Network Scanning How to Use the ack Command on Linux How to Use the ...
To add a plugin, I will first add the following lines to my.vimrcfile (or toinit.vimfor Neovim users): call plug#begin() Plug 'junegunn/fzf.vim' Plug 'preservim/nerdtree' Plug 'rust-lang/rust.vim' call plug#end() Copy There are three distinct sections in the code snippet above. ...
You can move this folder into offline machine by any mean. You can use USB, SSH, FTP anything you want. But make sure to get complete folder. Step 2: In offline machine Now that you’ve copied that folder into offline machine, run that executable file inside the folder with name “cub...
There are several ways to install Vim on Linux. In this blog, we will cover the two most common methods: using the package manager and compiling from source. Method 1: Using the Package Manager The easiest way to install Vim on Linux is to use the package manager that comes with your ...
How to Use sudo in Linux Once a user is added to thesudogroup, they can use thesudocommand to perform administrative tasks. Basic sudo Usage To usesudo, simply prepend it to the command you want to run with superuser privileges.
Find Files in Linux Using the Command Line Find Files With the fd Command Getting Started Using Vi and Vim How to Divide Files with split How to Install and Use fzf on Linux How to Install and Use zoxide on Linux How to Install NeoVim and Plugins with vim-plug How to Load Test Your...
only upgrade the packages which are installed using APT package manager. There are chances that you might have installed some other applications usingcargo,pip,npm,snap,flatpakorLinuxbrewpackage managers. You need to use the respective package manager in order to keep them all updated. Not anymore...