Our comprehensive guide to men's skin types: how to identify your skin type, which methods and products are right for you, and how to build an effective, personalized skincare routine based on your skin type.
I spent almost a decade undiagnosed because I only had one marker tested. My thyroid condition was missed completely, leading me to deal with needless “mystery” symptoms like chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, and many others, for far too long! I still have a copy of my lab results fr...
To top it off, I left there with a ball of hair so big I am certain my strands suffered breakage. Well I’m never doing that again. Needless to say I took down the style as soon as I got home and ditched my plans to attend the event. How do you achieve and mainta...
Everything you need for skin well-protected from the sun is inside any mineral or chemical sunscreen with a higher SPF. Dermatologists weigh in on how much to use and how to apply it.
This is exactly what plays a part in the #3 position of the product, alongside its success rate, needless to say. Plasma arginine and lysine concentrations, both amino acids regarded as probably the most potent stimulators of HGH discharge (Chromiak and Antonio 2002 ), had been ...
Needless to say, athletes will need more water and electrolytes than the average person to ensure they’re hydrated during workouts and games. The dangers of dehydration are well known but warrant repetition. Athletes who become dehydrated can experience increased heart rates and body temperatures, ...
serum b12 levels didn't rise after supplementation. Vitamin b12 is water soluble and whatever the body doesnt use gets flushed out. So far there is no evidence of anyone overdosing on b12 even at megadoses of methylcobalamin to treat some disorders.Furthermore, it should be taken on an ...
Glucose is typically filtered in the glomerulus and reabsorbed in the proximal tubule. However, glycosuria can occur when the filtered glucose exceeds the tubules ability to reabsorb (serum levels 180-200 mg/dL), seen in diabetes, Cushing’s disease, liver disease, and several congenital/metabol...
Anyway for 3 days now I've been having the EXACT SAME SYMPTOMS you've described here!! Bronchitis SO BAD it felt like a truck sitting on my lungs! Had to pull out the inhaler which I use as sparingly as possible (as side effects can be hazardous, too!) ...
What's more: Seborrheic dermatitis can benefit from topical antifungal creams or medicated shampoos, according to Sadick. Needless to say, if you're struggling with inflamed or rashy skin that seems like it could be attributed to dermatitis/eczema, make an appointment with your doctor ASAP to ...