Use fentanyl tests strips Find and utilize a local clean needle-exchange program. Carry naloxone (Narcan) and encourage friends and family to have access, as well. Learn how to use it before an emergency situation occurs. Avoid mixing drugs. Be sure every time you use you have a plan with...
Naloxone is an over-the-counter nasal-spray medication that can save an overdose victim by rapidly reversing the effects offentanyl, heroinand otheropioids. Doctors urge all people – especially those with prescriptionopioidsat home or a substance abuser in the household – to keep naloxone in the...
Hyshka said. She urges anyone who uses drugs, loves someone who uses drugs, is prescribed high doses of opioids for pain relief, or lives and works in a community or setting where they are likely to encounter someone using drugs, to get a naloxone kit and learn how to use it. ...
Because laws and government-funded programs for harm reduction vary not only by state but also by city and county, it can be difficult to figure out where to find naloxone for free. Below are the best places to start when searching for free or low-cost Narcan nasal spray close to you. ...
Newer to the market are brand-title versions of naloxone – a nasal spray and a “speaking” automobile-injector that gives instructions. The syringe-totally free products have prompted new attempts to get naloxone kits to hearth departments, police, mothers and fathers, pharmacists and college nur...
Please check the index if you do not find your particular medication in the class/condition section that corresponds to your use. Generic drugs Using generic drugs, when right for you, can help you save on your out-of-pocket medication costs. Generic drugs must be approved by the FDA just...
As a community harm-reduction organization–not a registered 501c3–North Texas Risk Redux similarly relied on community funding to buy emergency contraception before partnering with Julie, as well as other harm-reduction materials like face masks, condoms, and naloxone nasal spray, which i...
they would’ve been discharged with a box of Narcan or naloxone so that if they were exposed to another overdose, somebody could use that on them, or they could use it on a friend or a colleague. I think fast-forwarding from there, what we’ve realized is that giving them kind of a...
It is the first nasal spray to be approved for this indication using a mucosal atomizer device. The drug also recently became available in an auto-injector formulation (Evzio) for IM or subcutaneous administration (18). Naloxone for home use, whether an IM, subcutaneous or IN preparation, ...
If a suspect has overdosed, practice administering Naloxone. If a simulated suspect lunges at you, exit the simulator to practice takedowns with a partner. K9 officers can practice takedowns using their fur missile. For this, you probably want to step outside the b...