Always use products designed for dogs to prevent toxicity or a reaction. After cleaning your dog’s paws, apply a moisturizing butter or balm to the paw pads (as well as the nose and elbows). These products are thicker than a cream, so they will protect the paw pads longer and more ef...
I use this great liquid that my friend found in Australia last year called Dynamiclear and I swear by it!! It’s fast, effective and dries the coldsore out. After each Dynamiclear application is dry I place the compeed patch over the top!! You have to try it!! Reply Poppy October...
Staph bacteria are frequently present in healthy humans. Areas in which the bacteria can be found include the sebaceous (sweat) glands, nose, and other skin areas. Because of this colonization of healthy people, it is almost impossible to prevent contact with the bacteria. Most staph bacteria a...