Hello. I tried connecting my MQ Explorer to my MQ running in Docker but got this error: “Could not establish a connection to the queue manager - reason 2538 (AMQ4059)”. I use Docker Desktop in Windows OS, with installed …
connecting-to-emqx-cloud-with-mqtt-explorer.md emqx-newsletter-202106.md esp32-connects-to-the-free-public-mqtt-broker.md how-to-use-mqtt-in-php.md hstreamdb-v-0-5-release-notes.md introducing-emqx-cloud-on-microsoft-azure.md mqttx-v-1-6-0-release-notes.md quick-start-of-...
1. When using the Paho MQTT example WebIQ is not connected to MQTT, rather only your browser is connected to MQTT. If you want to use MQTT with WebIQ, you can use the MQTT-to-OPC-UA server that you can download in the customer area for free. 2. All...
This article provides a step-by-step guide to configuringMQTT over WebSocketsfor the Mosquitto™ MQTT broker. Additionally, I will walk you through the broker’s installation, setup, and testing, ensuring you feel guided and supported throughout the process. Why use MQTT over Websockets with ...
-p 1883:1883maps a port on your host machine (Docker host) to a container port. If port 1883 on the Docker host is busy, you can use another port, for example-p 18883:1883. Typically, MQTT uses port 1883. For example, you may also add another-pto map port9001 for Websocket (-p...
C#: Failed to subscribe to MQTT server C#: how to detect window application is running and not launch the same application again? C#: How to read values in Excel Cells as strings? C#: How to retrieve data value of Cell of dataGridView and displayit in the button? [MODIFIED QUESTION LAYO...
You can use MQTT client tool to connect your server and compare with it. This is true! Unfortunately this was not documented on the error code page. I had not noticed the mqtt-explorer client on our desktop also disconnected after a short amount of time when logged in with the account ...
I just want to use it in my project and I have no idea about its implementation.I also found a Nuget package Xamarin.Android.SerialPort (nothing for Xamarin.Forms). However, the Github link of the project is also not working so I didn't get its implementation either. Is communicating ...
返回结果为: OK +TCMQTTPUB:OK 至此,使用 ESP8266 腾讯云定制固件对接腾讯云 IoT Explorer 平台的测试完成。
I am using Mqtt Explorer listener 1883 allow_anonymous true Reply Noorsays: February 5, 2021 at 6:34 am Hi Steve, I am using mosquitto installed on my machine with node mcu. What should I write in the code here? const char* mqtt_server = ??