MetaQuotes Language 5 (MQL5) is a high-level language designed for developing technical indicators, trading robots and utility applications, which automate financial trading. MQL5 has been developed by MetaQuotes for their trading platform. The language syntax is very close to C++ enabling programmers...
In the MQL5 Cloud Network, people who have spare computer CPU time share this processing power with those who need it. To join the network, download and install the MetaTrader 5 Strategy Tester Agent. The Strategy Tester application launches special computing services on the computer which are ...
How to sell the agents' computing power? Open the MetaTrader 5 Strategy Agents Manager, go to the MQL5 Cloud Network tab and specify your valid login to which payments will be made. There are two options for this: Allow public use of agents Sell computing resources through a...
Among all the considered models, CNN-LSTM models have generated the best results during the experiments. In this article, we will consider how to create such a model to forecast financial timeseries and how to use the created ONNX model in an MQL5 Expert Advisor. 1. Building a model Python...
When you need to optimize an expert advisor with more than 100,000 combinations of input parameters, you should consider running it on the MQL5 Cloud Network. Of course, lots of traders also use MetaTrader 4 because many expert advisors are coded for that platform and do not run on MT5. ...
The provider of a LIC file usually signs it with a private key to prevent client-side tampering. Applications that use license keys saved in LIC files include but are not limited to: Network License Manager FLEXnet Manager NOD32 MATLAB Powersim Studio MetaTraderAnother type of LIC file contains...
MQL5 services provide unique profit opportunities for developers and traders from all over the globe, while beginners are able to find their own way in the world of algorithmic trading. These services are available to millions of traders directly from the MetaTrader trading terminal. Earn over $...
To get the IP address of the server, execute the following: string vServer = ReadIni("C:\\MetaTrader5\\MQL5\\Experts\\MyConnection.ini", "MYSQL", "Server"); The INI file is located at C:\MetaTrader5\MQL5\Experts and is called "MyConnection.ini", you access the Server key of the...
15. The only thing that remains to do is to make sure that you will not suffer any power or network disruptions and that can be accomplished by employing a MQL5 VPS (virtual private server), in order to have your Expert Advisor trading on the cloud 24/7 around the clock. ...
After reviewing a couple of alternative IDEs/Source Code Editors that could be used to code and compile in MQL5 instead of using the original Metaeditor IDE, I decided to go with Visual Studio Code