The MOSFET works in a linear zone when either it is subject to a high voltage, or a high current passes through the device. As it is well known in literature, during the linear zone operation mode the MOSFET could fail if a thermal run...
This article contains an illustrated guide on how to use LTspice®when creating your own IBIS model—from the IBIS premodeling procedure to IBIS model validation. It also contains detailed instructions on how to accurately extract I-V, V-T, ramp, and C_comp data f...
They each use an op-amp to control a MOSFET in the linear region, meaning not fully on, not fully off. You are aware that MOSFETs aren’t only binary on-off switches, right?? In the XC6206 it’s a p-channel depletion-mode MOSFET, in the AP2112 it’s a p-channel enhancement-...
As demonstrated in Section 3.3.4, transition mode control causes a constant ON time operation over each line half-cycle. After the MOSFET has been turned off, the boost inductor discharges its energy into the load until its current ...
Delivering a higher voltage (up to 12v) will not damage the device or cause more gate current to flow but supplying a minimum voltage will alter the current capability enormously. You must not use a MOSFET if you can only just deliver the minimum gate voltage as the MOSFET will act like ...
so the regulator can have a very low voltage drop, usually about 200mV; In contrast, the voltage drop of a conventional linear regulator using NPN composite power transistors is about 2V. The negative output LDO uses NPN as its transfer device, and its operation mode is similar to the PNP...
This article describes the latest driver plus MOSFET (DrMOS) technology and its advantages in voltage regulator module (VRM) applications. Monolithic DrMOS devices enable power systems to improve greatly in terms of power density, efficiency, and thermal performance, which in turn can...
Total power dissipation for the linear charger can be expressed as below. Pdiss = (Vin - Vbatt) × Icharge To decide the fast charging current, we need to calculate the worst-case allowable power dissipation on the P-MOSFET Q1. Power dissipation on the Q1 is expressed as below: ...
60khz, it'll go to a high output drive op amp, resistor, and capacitor (DC offset removal) into a coil to sense the resonant frequency (this is the really tricky part), another op amp will read the peaks of the sine wave and amplify and smooth them, and send them back to the ...
(VIN) in any way. To use a transistor as a switch, all you have to do is increase the current at the base terminal to a certain level, and the transistor will go into a state commonly known as “saturation.” This is a state (mode of operation) where no matter how much additional...