If it is a proctored test and the proctoring software has been installed, a supervisor can use Moodle to see what a student can access. As a tutor, you can review what your students were checking even after finishing the exam. Can You Cheat in Moodle? Moodle is a reliable software that...
While it can certainly help, technology use in the classroom doesn’t always mean students are more likely to stay on top of their deliverables. For example, it can be tricky to know if your students are viewing the full lecture recordings or coming to class having completed their assigned r...
SEB can also be configured to allow certain third-party applications to run during the exam, such as Excel. This can be useful for exams that require the use of specific software tools. Additionally, SEB offers video conferencing capabilities forproctoringandsupportduring exams, usingserviceslike J...
With COVID-19, some institutions have relied on proctoring software to maintain academic integrity from a distance. These assistive tools can help professors maintain academic integrity. 8. Classroom technology doesn’t necessarily make students more accountable...