If you've used MongoDB Compass before, then the form should be familiar. You can enter your connection details in the form, or use a connection string. I went with the latter as my database is hosted on MongoDB Atlas. To obtain your connection string, navigate to your "Clusters" page...
It's a guideline of how to use Mongodb with Golang using the repository pattern. - Mrkouhadi/go-mongodb-repository-pattern
For our project to work correctly, the root folder should contain a .env file with a number of variables. cp .env_example .env # MongoDB related mongo_uri=<your mongodb connection string> mongo_db=<database name> mongo_crypt_shared_path=<path to the crypt shared library> # Google au...
Then, go to the VSCode terminal using Ctrl+Shift+` and run the below commands. cargo build cargo run This will compile packages and dependencies and run the code. In the VSCode terminal, we can see the output of the boiler code. Use OpenCV in Rust Before installing OpenCV, we need ...
How to install Airflow on Windows (Apache Airflow installation steps) A how to guide on installing airflow on windows Latest Updates How do you save the Terminal output to a file in vscode? How to connect to WSL via MobaXterm How to open a windows PowerShell using MobaXterm?
We recommend VSCode Creating a new Express.js application Let's create a fresh Express application so that we can go through all the steps together. For this tutorial we'll be using MongoDB database. Step 1 Creating Node.js API with Express and Mongoose. Mongoose is a MongoDB object ...
When should you use pub/sub? Use the pub/sub pattern when the application: Needs to send messages to multiple clients. Does not require a direct (synchronous) response from the clients. Typical use cases are: Chat; Every user is both a publisher and a subscriber in a chat channel. ...
Step 3: Run MongoDB in a localized container Instead of downloading MongoDB, installing, configuring, and then running the Mongo database service. We can use the Docker Official Image for MongoDB and run it in a container. Before we run MongoDB in a container, we want to create a couple...
For easier context, we will simulate a situation where our git stash pop command results in a conflict and attempt to solve the conflict without adding the file for commit. Resolve Git Stash Conflicts Without Commit On VSCode, we will open our README.md file, save, add a line at the ...
Text Editor or IDE, VSCode is highly recommended. A Sendgrid account. Postman or any API client of your choice. Basic Knowledge of JavaScript. Basic Knowledge of React. Install MongoDB if you haven’t or use the cloud-based MongoDB service. Creating the Backend: Setting Up the Node.js Pr...