MongoDB Compass:MongoDB Compass is a very powerful GUI for the analysis of your database in the visual environment. Compass is free to use, and a source is available. And run at all, like Mac OS, Linux, and Windows. MongoDB atlas:The MongoDB atlas is the best way to store your Mon...
To use MongoDB Compass with the MongoDB instance running on your remote server, you must first connect to it like you would if you were accessing the database through the shell. Assuming you completed the prerequisite tutorial onHow To Configure Remote Access for MongoDB on Ubuntu 20.04, you...
Mongo Shell是连接MongoDB数据库的客户端工具,也可以用来连接云数据库MongoDB。本文将向您介绍在Windows 系统中,如何安装和使用Mongo Shell 。
MongoDB is a free, open-source, document-oriented cross-platform, not a relational one. It's schema-less, easy to use and scale out, and powerful. It stores the data in the form of JSON, not in tables. It replaces the concept of the row with the document which provides the flexible...
The sections below cover each method in greater detail. Use a method that best suits your preferences and requirements. Method 1: Create a Database in MongoDB Using Compass MongoDB Compass is a GUI for simplifying database management. To create a database using Compass, do the following: ...
To use MongoDB Compass, you have to install it first. You can download and install MongoDB Compass from thethis page. When you open MongoDB Compass, you’ll see a screen that looks like this: To connect to your local MongoDB, you setHostnametolocalhostandPortto27017. These values are...
If you've used MongoDB Compass before, then the form should be familiar. You can enter your connection details in the form, or use a connection string. I went with the latter as my database is hosted on MongoDB Atlas. To obtain your connection string, navigate to your "Clusters" page...
sudo nano /etc/mongodb.conf In that file, you should see the line: bind_ip = You can either change that line to: bind_ip = or bind_IP =, SERVER Where SERVER is the IP address of the machine hosting Compass. Use the first configuration option to a...
C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin Now run ‘mongod.exe’ to start your MongoDB server. Next run ‘mongo.exe’ to interact with the server through the command line or use Compass if you prefer GUI. You can even add this directory to PATH variable to directly runmongodandmongofrom...
mongo use db test //use test database db.sample.insertOne({name: "Bhuman", title: "Fullstack Developer"}) db.sample.findOne({name: "Bhuman"}) db.sample.find() Let’s examine each of the above commands mongoto be in the mongo command line shell ...