Next, open the installation file and click the install button. After you see the "Installation complete" message, launch Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio from the Start menu. Once the Connect to Server dialog box appears, set the server name and authentication type of the SQL server to w...
SQL Server Management Studio How-to Topics How to: Add an External Tool to the Tools Menu (SQL Server Management Studio) How to: Add or Modify Maintenance Plan Subplan Schedules How to: Associate File Extensions to a Code Editor How to: Change Maintenance Tasks in the Maintenance Plan Wizard...
1 -- 4:30 App Blue Prism _2 _ How to import MS Excel VBO - Excel Automation -- -- 6:36 App Blue Prism _5 _ How to Create a Worksheet in an Excel Workbook_ - Excel Automati -- -- 7:33 App (Blue Prism)Part 31 _ Introduction to Queue Management in Blue Prism -- -- 3...
启动SQL Server 配置管理器从“开始”菜单中,依次选择“所有程序”>“Microsoft SQL Server”>“配置工具”>“SQL Server 配置管理器”。启动、停止、暂停、继续或重启 SQL Server 数据库引擎 实例按照上一部分中的说明启动 SQL Server 配置管理器。 如果出现“用户帐户控制”对话框,请选择“是” ...
本文說明如何使用 SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 或Transact-SQL 在 SQL Server 或 Azure SQL Database 中建立登入。 登入是連線到 SQL Server 執行個體的人員或程序的識別。注意 Microsoft Entra ID 先前稱為 Azure Active Directory (Azure AD)。
The default location is C:\Documents and Settings\user name\Application Data\Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant\m2ss. In the License Management dialog box, click Refresh License.SSMA for MySQL User InterfaceAfter SSMA is installed and licensed, you can use SSMA to migrate MySQL databases to...
If you do not have Enterprise Manager or Query Analyzer, you candownload Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express Step 4: Enable and Configure the Role Provider In this step, you configure the use of the SQL Server role provider in your WCF service. ...
You perform this step after you enable the publication and configure Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). For an overview of the configuration process, see How to: Configure Web Synchronization for Merge Replication (SQL Server Management Studio). After you complete the procedure in this ...
The IncludeManagementTools argument is only required if you want to remove all of the AD DS management utilities. Demote Remove roles and features There are two methods you can use to remove the AD DS role: The Manage menu on the main dashboard, using Remove Roles and Features Select AD ...
To create a database on the server In SQL Server Management Studio, openObject Explorer. You can use SQL Server Management Studio or SQL Server Management Studio Express to create a database. You can install SQL Server Management Studio Express fromMicrosoft Download Center. ...