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Go to Mendeley Desktop preferences, select the BibTeX tab. Once there, tick the box labeled “Enable BibTeX syncing” and select one of the options you prefer. I chose the middle one, “Create one BibTeX file per collection”. This generates one .bib file for each folder you create i...
Before proceeding, we review Social Role Theory and Sexual Selection Theory as these frameworks explain how men react to women's entry into majority-male teams. We then review findings from the literature and use these frameworks to make sense of divergent findings. Theoretical frameworks for unders...
45 Given the substantial limitations in function associated with PCC, it is likely that many people, especially those admitted to the ICU during their acute illness, required pulmonary, cardiac, and general rehabilitation support, which may not be fully represented in measures of health care use. ...
Bookends has labels that you can customise with the text and colour of your preference, and use to organise your literature. The label that I use the most is ‘in Evernote’. This indicates that this is a PDF that I have read and taken notes from, and that these notes are stored in...
Referring to the relevant assumptions of demand function [42,43], this paper proposes that the consumer considers both quality of energy vehicles and environment when choosing types of energy vehicles. In the process of energy vehicle trading and use, it is assumed that the benefit consumers get...
Author links open overlay panelGiovanni Fattore PhD 1 2 3, Fabrizio Tediosi PhD 3 4Show more Add to Mendeley Share Cite rights and content Under an Elsevier user license open archiveAbstract In this article, we use cultural theory to investigat...
To study the use of LTs in teacher education, we first describe what a learning theory and principles of learning are, and provide a brief overview of literature on the use of LTs within teacher education. 2.1. Theories and principles of learning There is no widely accepted definition of lear...
Harvesting a portion of the cells from the final bioreactor increases output per batch without taking the time to restart from the beginning of the process. This can be done for up to ten iterations [24]. Each batch, including the ten harvests, was estimated to use 100 kl of cell-culture...
Direct export About Mendeley About RefWorks Export file Format RIS (for EndNote, Reference Manager, ProCite) BibTeX Text RefWorks Direct Export Content Citation Only Citation and Abstract Advanced search This document does not have an outline. Article outline is loading... ADVERTISEME...