What Products To Use To Remove Bird Muck Marks Two of the products we have used most to help remove or reduce bird muck marks is eitherMeguiars Ultimate CompoundorMeguiars ScratchX. The secret is to use a product that is known as a diminishing abrasive – that is the more your work it ...
Failing that, if you have any Meguiars polish that is very very slightly abrasive that will smooth out the surface if it's pitted. I agree that you will need to find the correct place inside the collar where the nib and feed came from before pushing them back in. Venemo Member - Gold...
Timmer shared that the iron method made things worse, the fix that did the trick: spray furniture polish over top then work it in with extra fine steel wool (carefully so not to take off the existing finish). Next, buff with a clean rag once it dries. Read the hundreds of comments be...