(gmod nextbot)30 related questions found What is a turkey in golf? In ten-pin bowling, a trio of consecutive strikes is called a turkey, while six in a row is known as a wild, or golden, turkey. It wouldn't be the first time golf has borrowed from another sport to expand its ...
and even for Half-Life 2, the use of a so called JoyStick Mapper application that map a joystick action to mouse or keyboard inputs. These tools really improve the experience of your XBox 360 Controller on Mac.
retail box of SU-27 Flanker 2 combatflight sim which I ask that for crhismas and I hav it along with a crappy joysitck, I define this stage as a braking point because I knew that from that game on I belong to PC gaming ando not to the damn console world, which many use to love...