Let us now modify our pom.xnl file to use the apache maven shade plugin, <project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd"...
Simplest Spring MVC Framework Tutorial – Hello World Example with UI (JSP) Page How to Install and Configure Elasticsearch on your Dev/Production environment? Use “maven-shade-plugin” to Create just 1 Executable jar with all required Dependencies in it for your Java or Spring Project?Spring...
maven-resources, maven-dependency and maven-jar Plugins Use “maven-shade-plugin” to Create just 1 Executable jar with all required Dependencies in it for your Java or Spring Project? Simplest Spring MVC Framework Tutorial – Hello World Example with UI (JSP) Page How to create 1st Web ...
We are using the Maven Shade plugin to build a shaded JAR file that contains all direct and transient dependencies, such that no additional JARs need be installed on the cluster. This process can be adapted as needed. org.apache.maven.plugins maven-shade-plugin 2.2 false target/ErrorsNRT-shad...
To avoid the problem we can use themaven-shade-pluginthat performs some transformations to the resulting JAR's files. Here is an example configuration: <plugin> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId> <artifactId>maven-shade-plugin</artifactId> ...
The completed pom.xml file is using the Maven Shade Plugin for the simple convenience of making the JAR file executable. The focus of this guide is getting started with Maven, not using this particular plugin. Summary Congratulations! You’ve created a simple yet effective Maven project definit...
The completed pom.xml file is using the Maven Shade Plugin for the simple convenience of making the JAR file executable. The focus of this guide is getting started with Maven, not using this particular plugin. Summary Congratulations! You’ve created a simple yet effective Maven project definit...
the classpath or provided to the TwillRunnerService directly. In the Twill example directory, we used the maven-shade-plugin to build a fat jar that contains the HelloWorld class, as well as Twill classes and its dependencies. So, to run it, you can simply do something like: ...
Learn to configure the Java compiler version in aMavenproject using different approaches. Also, learn to set the Java version for a Spring boot application using Maven as a build tool. 1. Using the Maven Compiler Plugin The most straightforward solution to specify the Java version to compile th...
Stephan van Hulst wrote:First of all, never use the system scope. Secondly, why do you want to create a fat jar? If you *really* want to create one anyway, check out the Maven Shade Plugin. I'm using the SpringBoot framework so naturally I would want a fat jar, that is, a ...