I sometimes need to live in VSCode, but missing Sublime Merge friendly integration. In Sublime Text, I just click the bottom status line with repo name & diffs counter as a link, and voila - I am in Sublime Merge. How to make something like that + hotkey in VSCode to quickly jump to...
MySqlConnection cannot be cast to [B]MySQL.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection. [C#] How to make the Console Process delay [C#] Oracle.DataAccess issue - Unhandled exception of type System.TypeInitializationException occured in mscorlib.dll [C#] Regex - Best Validation of Domain? [C#] Upload ...
Once you pick two files for VS Code to compare, you will see the differences highlighted within your editor. That way, you can quickly tell what has changed in the code. Use the arrows in the toolbar to navigate through the changes. At this point, you can analyze the changes, debug, ...
6. Choose whether to includeDocker Composefiles. VSC checks the files' syntax and creates the necessary Docker files. In the example below, the extension creates.dockerignoreandDockerfile. The Dockerfile contains the instructions for creating a container image of the Node.js app. Build and Run D...
I would debug in VS code both main and render, what is the correct strategy? If I start application by npm start, the application start, but not stop at breakpoints. If I start the application with "Electron: all" configuration, the application starts and say that can't connect to port...
If you are doing this to update your program, then you can consider installer program that have capability to update and patch your program or if you like to create your own from scratch, you have to make your program plugin-aware so that you will be able to modify the part of your ...
The second icon in the toolbar is “Search”. Clicking it shows the search interface: You can click the icons to make the search case sensitive, to match whole words (not substrings), and to use a regular expression for the search string. ...
First, fork the VS Code repository so that you can make a pull request. Then, clone your fork locally: git clone https://github.com/<<<your-github-account>>>/vscode.git Occasionally you will want to merge changes in the upstream repository (the official code repo) with your fork. ...
Git usually understands what to do in these cases and automatically handles the merge, since most changes edit different code lines or files. However, it can struggle if the same line of a file or even the same file is affected by separate changes on different branches. You must fix any ...
Once you are in the desired parent folder, use themkdircommand followed by a name for your new folder to create it. For example, to create a folder named "my-project," run this command: mkdir my-project After you’ve created the folder, you can open it in VS Code directly from Git...