Now Lua can be used in TheoTown. Lua is a real proggraming language. To learn it, read this. To include a Lua file in your plugin, use this: "script":"file.lua", The file has to be in the same directory as your JSON. The Lua code can be this: function script.nextMonth()...
The Scenecontrol folder is also where you'll put all of your asset files (images and such) to be read by the script(s). For advanced users: you can also use require to split your lua code into multiple script files. The file names are not important! (except for the default init....
Part Number:AWR2243 Hello, I want to compare the accuracy of phase shifter and bpm. I have already coded and tested phaseshifter but however i am having difficulty finding and coding BPM setting with lua script. Are there any example of BPM setting lua script? Hello Alex, I'm ...
1.Найтивфайле `config.json`секцию `servers`,тамбудетназваниеопции `scriptName`созначением `Quik_2`.Вданномслучае `Quik_2`являетсяназваниемфайлавпапке lua (расширен...
One of the interesting features ofNmapis theNmap Script Engine(NSE), which brings even more flexibility and efficiency to it. It enables you to write your own scripts inLua programming language, and possibly share these scripts with other Nmap users out there. ...
In this chapter, we will implement a C++ utility class to execute Lua scripts. This serves two purposes. First, by doing this, you will learn in detail how to integrate the Lua library and call Lua code from C++. Second, you will have a Lua wrapper class ready to use. This helps in...
如何使用 Linux shell script 制作一个命令行交互式菜单窗口界面 All In One Q: 如何实现一个类似raspi-config的交互式命令行菜单对话框功能 raspi-configis the Raspberry Piconfiguration tooloriginally written by Alex Bradbury. To open the configuration tool, type the following on the command line: ...
Hello, I have written a little tutorial how to "install" LUA files and scripts. I have tried to write it in a hopefully uncomplicated way with many pictures, so that everybody could set it properly up... Enjoy! Lua Installation.pdf
The Lua tonumber is one of the basic function for the lua script and it is mainly used for to convert the arguments to the number format. The argument will be already either string or number format by using the tonumber method. It converts to the number type and it always return the ...
A/rest-testpath. This path starts to demonstrate the broader range of OpenResty’s features. It uses a Lua script file, created in the next two steps, and serves JSON. In fact, this path’s model could be leveraged to make a simple RESTful API service fully within OpenResty. ...