Here, “wild-goose” is acting as a single unit to describe the noun “chase”. Without the hyphen, this could be interpreted as a goose chase that was wild, not the actual goose itself. The hyphen clarifies to the reader which component of the sentence “wild” is referring to. Danglin...
meaning, definition, how to use and examples figures of speech , also called rhetorical devices, are used in the english language to make one’s language look descriptive, vivid and symbolic. in this article, you will be introduced to one of the figures of speech named personification, its ...
The em dash (—) is longer than both the hyphen and the en dash. It is named after its approximate width, which is equal to the width of the letter “M”. It offers a more dramatic pause or interruption within the text and serves as a break in the flow of a sentence. Acting as ...
In this article, you will be introduced to what phrases are, their definition, how to use them and the types of phrases. Check out the examples given to have a much better understanding of the same.
People typically use the period (.) or hyphen (-). Tap Enter or Return again, then start typing your next paragraph. To add more spaces between paragraphs in your Instagram caption, repeat these steps until you have a complete Instagram post. How long can an Instagram caption be? Captions...
However, merchants don’t care about formatting rules when you’re writing a check. They just don’t want the check to bounce. If you forget to add a hyphen or add one where you shouldn't, they aren't likely to notice or care. Use Numbers for Cents If you're writing a check,...
The hyphen ( - ) was once a common punctuation mark on typewriters, when a long word might have been split between two lines. The hyphen is still used in a number of other areas: Use a hyphen when adding a prefix to some words. The purpose of this hyphen is to make the word ...
However, it may be less clear when to include a colon, semicolon, hyphen or em dash. To understand these less common yet equally useful punctuation marks, challenge yourself to use a few properly in your writing. For instance, you might set out to tactfully insert two semicolons into...
The name em dash comes from its size, which is about the same width as a capital ‘M’. But the em dash goes by other names too: m dash, long hyphen, long dash—and just plain awesome. When to use an em dash? 1. To replace parentheses ...
ofpunctuationused to set off a word or phrase after anindependent clauseor a parenthetical remark (words, phrases, or clauses that interrupt a sentence). Don't confuse the dash (—) with thehyphen(-): the dash is longer. As William Strunk Jr. and E.B. White explained in "The ...