How to use the landmask function in MATLAB?. Learn more about landmask, ocean, land, mask MATLAB
I'm trying to use contourf with x and y coordinates being random or non sequential. I have z value for each X y coordinate. Normaly we would create a rectangular mesh and then fill up the z values. Here the issue is th...
This code started by creating a sine wave plot. Then, we use the xlim function to change the x-axis limits to the range from 2 to 8, and the ylim function to change the y-axis limits to the range from -1 to 1. In the end, we add labels to the x and y axes, as well as ...
Open in MATLAB Online Ran in: Initially I was using LQR to regulate the error dynamics, i.e., I computed the gains for de = (A - BK)e, but this basically results in a PI controller since the control law (with integral action) is u = -K*e + ki*z. I have seen many...
Open in MATLAB Online Here is some code that shows how I am trying to use "PositionConstraint", but it does not seem to be working as I am expecting. To put it precisely, "PositionConstraint" has not impact on alignment at all in my code below. If I remove the "reset" calls, th...
Log Plot Using thesemilogx()Function in MATLAB If you want to plot the variables on the x-axis of base 10 log scale and y-axis of linear scale. You can use thesemilogx()function. See the below code. a=1:100;b=2*a;lg=semilogx(a,b)grid on axis tight ...
Sign in to comment. Accepted Answer Janon 17 Sep 2021 0 Link Open in MATLAB Online Pre-allocation is essential. Do not let array grow iteratively, but create them with the final size: n = 41; h = 1 / (n-1); nt = 40;
Open in MATLAB Online Ran in: I am trying to use lsqcurvefit to fit 4 parameters, I am usually able to do it but in this problem, the fitting function is only valid close to the plateau values. So I selected the values over which I apply the fitting. for example (...
Open in MATLAB Online Ran in: Thank you so much for sharing thi interesting link. I tried to use it. However, I would like to make the legend appear with the hatched color as the bars color. However, this is what I get.. Please, how can I do that ?
Because each of your two plots contains two series, the variable hLine is an array of two line objects. Unfortunately, dot notation doesn't work on arrays of objects yet. That means that you need to use set like dpb showed above.