In order to take advantage of that additional capacity our applications must be capable of utilizing those cores simultaneously rather than waiting on individual components to finish their work. NodeJS's Architecture Event Loop "Libuv" At the core of NodeJS’s architecture is an event loop library...
Right now existing applications need to be modified in order to use Windows usbdk backend. libusb_context * ctx = NULL; libusb_init(&ctx); libusb_set_option(ctx, LIBUSB_OP...
Well, use uv_close callback - it would be correctly, but this is future task. Because now execution of my code does not reach to on_response callback (where uv_close calls) yet -- all is stoped on uv_read_start call. Member saghul commented Jul 26, 2017 I tried to make uv_writ...
You can use Homebrew (brew) to install, uninstall, and upgrade any of thousands of “formulae” (i.e. package definitions) from its core public repository, plus anytaprepositories you care to use. You can also use the Homebrewcaskfacility (brew-cask) as a way to install, uninstall, and...
So after you do all this, you can use the yeoman generators to get a project. I generally test with the ConsoleApplication and the WebApplicationBasic. However, when you try the WebApplicationBasic with dnx kestrel It blows up because kestrel wants to use libuv and can't load it...
{18//Ensure to flush and stop internal timers/threads before application-exit (Avoid segmentation fault on Linux)19NLog.LogManager.Shutdown();20}21}2223publicstaticIWebHost BuildWebHost(string[] args) =>24WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)25.UseStartup<Startup>()26.ConfigureLogging(logging =>27...
Setting up a NFS share to store the video recordings When you want to store the video recordings on another server you can use NFS to share a directory on the remote server and mount it on the Unifi NVR that you've just installed. When you don't want to save the videos on a remote...
Welcome to Node.js v16.14.2. Type".help"formore information. > process.exitCode = 1; 1 > (Toexit, press Ctrl+C again or Ctrl+D ortype.exit) > process.exit(1) refs ...
Finally, let’s utilize libuv’s thread pool to implement the asynchronous functions: DecodeFileAsync() and DecodeBufferAsync(). The uv_queue_work() function can queue our MRZ recognition tasks and execute them in native thread.typedef enum { NO_BUFFER, RGB_BUFFER, } BufferType; struct MRZ...
从Node.js异步原理,我们可以知道,核心在于 Node.js SDK 中API调用,然后交由EventLoop(Libuv)去执行,所以我们一定要熟悉Node.js的API操作。 Node.js的API都是异步的,同步的函数是奢求,要查API文档,在高并发场景下慎用。 笔者推荐使用 Dash 或Zeal 查看离线文档,经常查看离线文档,对Api理解会深入很多,比IDE辅助要...