GPS (Global Positioning System) sensors use satellite signals to output the user’s current location and velocity. Arduino boards can be paired with GPS modules to determine their own geographical coordinates. For example,the NEO-6M GPS Module. 14: Pressure Sensor Pressure sensors measure the press...
The LDR can be replaced with other sensors such as athermistorfor heat sensing, awater sensorfor water sensing, aphotodiodefor IR beam sensing, and so forth. Question for you:What happens if the position of the LDR and the 300/5 K preset are swapped with each other? Transistor Packages ...
The circuit uses an LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) as a light sensor, which, in simple terms, is a resistor whose value increases in darkness and decreases in the presence of light. Then it uses one transistor to detect the light, and another to drive the relay. When light falls on the...
The Arduino can be programmed to turn on the relay when a certain event occurs, for example when the temperature of a thermistor gets higher than 30°C. Or when the resistance of aphotoresistordrops below 400 Ohms. Almost any sensor can be used to trigger the relay to turn on or off. ...
The technology can indeed neutralize human disability; with this in mind let us use the power ofArduino and simple sensors to build a Blind man’s stickthat could be a lifesaver for visually impaired persons. An Ultrasonic sensor will be installed in a stick which will sense the distance of...
Also known as Light Dependent Resistors (LDR),photoresistorsare light-sensitive devices. They are most often used to indicate the presence or absence of light. In low light, the resistance is very high and drops dramatically when exposed to light. It is made of a high-resistance semiconductor...
In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to build an automatic night light circuit that turns on when it gets dark. It’s a simple circuit that you can build on a breadboard. This circuit shows you how to do it with an LED. But you can use the same principle to turn on bigger and bri...
This illustrates the use of Pull-Up resistors, when working with chips, they allow a chip to have a pin that normally HIGH, and then which can be switched LOW.