Learning the basiccontrolsof rebounding is step #1 to becoming a GOAT rebounder. Here they are below: Move Player: LS / LS Rebound: Y / Triangle Boxout: LT / L2 Putback: Hold X / Square (when attempting an offensive rebound)
A soccer rebounder allows you to practice kicking and receiving techniques in one exercise. You might invest the time and expense to make a rebounder with PVC or steel pipe and fit it with bungee cords and resilient nylon mesh, similar to manufactured units. A more cost-effective method is ...
As the queen of reading-into-text-messages, I feel highly qualified in saying that it's completely natural to want to search for signs of hope in any contact you might have had from the heartbreak-inflicter. But this habit can also prolong your agony and make it difficult to accept what...
During the summer, when I was a visiting poet at a residency out of state, an angry, confused woman wandered into my class and said: “I have three guns and I want to use them.” We all 26 . It wasn’t clear if she had the guns, but we each know that, when we teach in Ame...
The divergence of fates: the Jodi that stayed home, versus the one that went to the ER. A Winter of Extremes: Post Puncture Dural Headache, to Spinal CSF Leak — and Everything in Between The lumbar puncture (or spinal tap, since many people use that term instead) led to a debilitating...