you roll for 5 kobolds, then 1 owlbear; the players could encounter those kobolds in the middle of a fight to the death with that owlbear, and the kobolds could show the players the path to a nearby settlement or resting spot if they help kill or otherwise drive away the owlbear. Oh...
Usually, Pathfinder is very robust in its trade offs, meaning that for a PC to become too during in one area/tactic, he'll be weak in other situations. However, this quickly go out of the window when you have larger parties because the extra members can cover the weaknesses of the oth...
The first wave of Frameworks kits weren’t great value for money, but WizKids says it’s working hard to cram many more pieces onto wave two for the kits: to give an example, Wave One’s Kobold kit made just seven kobolds, while Wave Two’s pathfinder goblins kit will make 18 wide...
A great way to do it is to look back at past games and list what made them fun to you. Look at published campaign settings you like (like theBook of Ebon Tidesby Kobold Press), and even actual play podcasts like Critical Role or Dimension 20 if you enjoy them, and list the things ...
The Angry GM delivers advice to players and dungeon masters of fantasy role-playing games with humor, snark, and attitude. Game masters and players are sure to find something of use, whether they are playing AD&D, D&D 3.5, D&D 4E, 5E, Pathfinder, D&D Nex
Kobold’s Guide to Game Design trying to find a solution. And that means, four thousand words from now, I’m going to give you a neat rule hack to change basically everything about hit points and death and players and defensive tactics. But that only comes after I analyze the utter ...