Here’s how to sharpen a knife in just a few simple steps, whether you’re using a stone or a knife sharpener.
It will give you the ultimate control and precision over the edge you give your knife. Here’s a primer on how to use a sharpening stone. 1. PREPARE THE STONE Before using, immerse the stone in water for about five minutes. Then, place the non-slip side of the stone facing down...
A Sharpening Stone - Which sharpening stone you use is a personal choice but I strongly suggest beginners use a diamond stone. A diamond stone removes metal much faster than other abrasives and you'll be able to see your progress more quickly. The various stone types are explained in more d...
with the belt, stopping the motion while the tip or end of the blade is still against the belt. Repeat until a burr forms, then sharpen the opposite side by holding the tool in your left hand and pulling to the left. Graduate to your higher-grit belt(s) before finishing with the ...
If you’re not an advanced knife user (and don’t care to become one), the cheapest, quickest, smallest, lightest, and simplest field knife sharpening method is to use a pull-through sharpener. For under $10, these common tools are easy to throw in your go-bag, use without much pract...
To use a manual sharpener: 1. Settle the knife into the coarsest slot of the sharpener. Pull your knife through slowly and with even pressure. Repeat this step three to six times, or more if the knife is especially dull. 2. Repeat this step with the next-coarsest slot, and then the...
Eventually, the cutting edge of the blade won’t work like it used to, and you’ll need to sharpen it back to its former glory with a steel or stone knife sharpener. Interestingly enough, not every knife collector knows how to sharpen a knife. ...
To use Al's method, take a black felt pen and shade in the knife’s bevel. Then take two strokes on the stone and examine the edge. If you have maintained the proper angle, then all the black will be gone. If you see black on the top of the edge, it means you are holding the...
With the knife in your non-dominant hand, place the heel/butt of the blade near the top of one of the sharpening stones making sure to hold the knife perpendicular to the floor or countertop.Using light, consistent pressure, glide the knife along the sharpening stone from heel to tip, the...
Keeping your knife sharp is the best way to ensure consistent and safe cutting. A dull knife is not only frustrating to use, but it can also be dangerous since it will require more force to do the same amount of work as a sharper blade. But don’t be afr