Lexilogos— lets you input romaji and turns it into Japanese Hiragana, Katakana and/or Kanji Branah— lets you click on the Japanese keys on their digital keyboard to type in Japanese LanguageKeyboard.net— lets you input romaji to type in Japanese while giving you Hiragana and Katakana charts...
Theinterpunct ・ (中黒, nakaguro, "middle black")or "katakana middle dot" (as the Unicode consortium calls it) is a small dot used for interword separation. It is also known as nakapochi, nakapotsu and nakaten. It has a fixed width that is the same as most kana characters. How ...
Japanese kana keyboard documentation Hi I got a MacBook pro with Japanese Kana keyboard and would like to know how to type on this thing. I mean type in Japanese. But hardly anything works. I don't know how to type smallcase characters in Hiragana. When I type in Katakana instead all c...
I wrote more in depth about the firsta few years ago (jeez,fiveyears ago). Students of Japanese usually start with hiragana, then go on to katakana and kanji. They learn the pronunciation of all the individual katakana, but because there are comparatively fewer katakana words, they don’t ...
Easy katakana : how to read non-Japanese loanwordsko,hi,a,ra,dash ka,me,ri,n re,to,i,su ku,ta,e,shi o,te,mu,tsu ki,ru,wa,u,wi/we/wo se,ke,chi,small tsu fu,na,mi,ti ha,ho,ro,fa/fi/fe/fo he,ni,sa,so〔ほか〕Tina Wells...
Hiragana and katakana serve two different purposes.Hiragana is the most common, and the first taught to Japanese children. If this is all you learn, you would be understood (although you’d come across child-like). Hiragana is used for grammar functions, like changing conjugation or marking ...
Locale strings can specify the language (for exampleen,ru,cmn, ...), charset (for exampleja-Hirauses Japanese Hiragana characters, whileja-Kanauses Japanese Katakana characters) and country (for exampleen-USanden-GBdiffer in the pronunciation used). ...
Also, keep in mind that L-sounds are turned into R’s to fit the Japanese alphabet sounds. So, Lauren becomesRōren(ローレン) and Tyler becomesTairā(タイラー). Now you try! Use a Katakana chart like the one below: Common Names ...
switch to a Japanese IME keyboard toolbar. Click on “Input mode” and choose the “Katakana” option. Then, just type “tsu,” and it should automatically become “ツ.” Then, switch back to your original keyboard (just choose your language or hit Alt + Shift) and type the remaining ...
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