Description:So first we need to include the Wire.h library which is used for the I2C communication. If you want to learn more on how the I2C communication works and how to use it with Arduino you can check my otherdetailed tutorial for it. Each device that uses the I2C communic...
Therobot_pose_ekf package, which uses an Extended Kalman Filter to fuse the data provided by the wheel encoders and the BNO055 IMU sensor. Once you have completed the three tutorials above, you can move to the next step to add the appropriate code to your main launch file. Open a termi...
Description:So first we need to include the Wire.h library which is used for the I2C communication. If you want to learn more on how the I2C communication works and how to use it with Arduino you can check my otherdetailed tutorial for it. Each device that uses the I2C communication has...