1 vscode run / debug python in docker instance 10 VS Code run and debug Python in Docker using docker-compose 11 VSCode / Docker devcontainer.json Issue 22 VSCode: How to run a Jupyter notebook in a docker container, over a remote server? 0 Unable to use jupyter noteb...
Installing Popular Extensions: Extensions enhance the functionality of VScode on Ubuntu. Here are some popular ones for different programming languages: Python: Microsoft’s Python extension provides IntelliSense, linting, debugging, code navigation, code formatting,Jupyter Notebooksupport, refactoring, varia...
https://code.visualstudio.com/updates/v1_58#_jupyter-notebook-debugging I have set "jupyter.experimental.debugging": true, installed version 6 of ipykernel: but I can not set breakpoint at jupyter notebook in vscode,the version of my vscode is: vscode-triage-bot assigned rebornix Jul 22...
Introduction to Retrieval Augmented Generation This repository will introduce you to Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with easy to use examples that you can build upon. The examples use Python with Jupyter Notebooks and CSV files. The vector database uses the Qdrant database which can run in-...
Running a Q# program Running a Jupyter Notebook Running a Python program To run this program, open the Main.qs file in VS Code and select Run. Configuring Q# projects as external dependencies A Q# project can also be configured as an external dependency for other projects, acting much like...
Running a Q# program Running a Jupyter Notebook Running a Python program To run this program, open the Main.qs file in VS Code and select Run. Configuring Q# projects as external dependencies A Q# project can also be configured as an external dependency for other projects, acting much like...
Proposed designs to update the homepage for logged-in users Visit chat Linked 15 Format a Jupyter notebook on save in VSCode Related 2 VS code in a jupyter notebook? 13 How to get jupyter notebook theme in vscode 0 Unable to use jupyter notebook in VScode -1 Customize style of...
How to check mynumpyversion on macOS? To check which version ofnumpyis installed, usepip show numpyorpip3 show numpyin your macOS terminal. pip show numpy# or pip3 show numpy # 1.2.3 Check numpy Version Jupyter Notebook How to check mynumpyversion in my Jupyter Notebook?
How to check myscikit-learnversion on macOS? To check which version ofscikit-learnis installed, usepip show scikit-learnorpip3 show scikit-learnin your macOS terminal. pip show scikit-learn# or pip3 show scikit-learn # 1.2.3 Check scikit-learn Version Jupyter Notebook ...
The code works when i run it on Jupyter notebook but does not work when i run on powershell in vscode. Both are using the same environment and interpreter. Any idea if there are specific permission on vscode to enable in order for microphone to work? Python version - Pyt...