On average, questions in English received a score of 3.5 on the Likert scale, slightly higher than those in German, which received a score of 3.4. Conclusion ChatGPT 3.5 can already provide accurate responses to patients’ frequently asked questions on glenohumeral osteoarthritis. ChatGPT can ...
In addition to skills-based hiring, Kirchler said TCSG has focused on just-in-time training and registered apprenticeships to help workers in the state develop new in-demand skills. This approach allows the state to reengage workers who currently aren’t participating in the workforce for ...
The first thing one has to do about uncertainty is to acknowledge that it is there. The next step is to use methods to still come to a strategic decision, without pretending to know exactly how the future will turn out. Those are actually the much more important issues than who the peopl...
Rüdell (1987: 524)behauptet: „Bei rückläufigen Schülerzahlen erhç-hen sich durch die Werbeeffekte der Gymnasienbereits die Übergangsquoten in die Jahrgangsstufe5. Gleichzeitig verringern sich die Auslesewirkun-gen in den Gymnasien.“ Nachweisen kann er diesjedoch nicht. Drewek (...
In order to prevent short-circuits and the accompanying heating, lithium batteries must never be stored or transported unprotected in bulk. The product is registered under the number: 21.001.779 in accordance with the German Battery Act. Contaminated packaging Dispose of waste according to applica...