Yes for sure, check it in the attachment, I use BAL data as a test. ceres-summary.txt Contributor sandwichmaker commented Jul 26, 2024 via email All your time is being spent in the residual and Jacobian evaluation. Are you perchance using numeric differentiation? You are barely spending an...
Solved: My calculation of F(x) yields F'(x) for no additional cost in computation because I use AD. So when the solver asks for an F(x) update, is it
\PRINT<text> Note: Due to a bug, the algorithmic package is not compatible withhyperref.
\nabla\phi^{gc}_g(q) To get the Jacobian, we use u = \sum_i u_i psi_i, where psi_i is a vector, and then differentiate the expression with respect to the coefficient u_i. Since the operator is already linear,this is just matching indices for (PetscInt c = 0; c < Nc; ++...
In my code, I have a set of x and y data points, called xdata and ydata respectively. I am trying to use lsqcurvefit to find the value for a quantity in the model that should reproduce the data. The problem is that the model equation includes an integral...
I successfully computed the Jacobian matrix using model.stateless_call(). Here is the code I used: def func_to_diff(x): x = x[None, :] return model.stateless_call(trainable_variables, non_trainable_variables, x)[0] def jac_fwd_lambda(single_input): return jax.jacfwd(func_to_diff)(...
how do i use that toolbox in order to define dens_mix as a function? it's value is changing each time the code is actually trying to solve the ODE system, and it is just a sum of 4 parameters: dens_mix= partial_dens(1)+partial_dens(2)+partial_dens(3)+partial_dens(4) ...
Thank you very much. I found that as long as ( x_{\text{chushi}} ) is set to non-zero values from the 4th to the 7th components, the issue is resolved. However, I've encountered another problem: during the optimization process, I noticed that three variables in the lambda matrix ...
How to write angle in latex langle, rangle, wedge, angle, measuredangle, sphericalangle Angles
@Peter230655 you use abs or a form of it everytime you use the Hunt-Crossely contact force formula. The issue here rears its head mostly when we take the derivatives of the equations of motion, forming the Jacobian and Hessian for example. The derivatives of expressions are often simpler ...