The solution (in code) Show code snippet Refinement (using icons) "But hey!" I hear you shout. What about if I want to show a nice little tick or cross in the box? And I don't want to use background images! Well, this is where CSS3's pseudo-elements can come into play. The...
Really amazing collection .. But I want to use them in my design. Let me know how can I do that. Thanks
I am also facing error in NavController modules after following your package.json. Whenever I am trying to navigate using navCtrl.push(SomePage) , it is showing errrorargument type is not assignable to parameter type Page. My app is not tab based , previously i was doing routing with simple ...
This will take you to a screen where you can configure the plugin’s settings. To start, you will see all the different sizes you can use for the image icons. If you plan to use icons from Font Awesome or dashicons, then Menu Image will resize them automatically. However, if you use ...
“display” which will show the numbers that we’re clicking. Ideally, we would use a<label>component, however, it’s not available in the Ionic Creator as of yet. So, for this, we will use the<input>element, and we can easily adjust this later when we download the ...
Use Cropper to Adjust the Detected PolygonNext, let’s use the image cropper web component to adjust the detected polygon of the scanned document.Add the image cropper web component through CDN by adding the following in index.html. <script type="module"> import { defineCustomElements } from...
Related Question an error on set font-family when i use Text component in React-Native How to set default font family in React Native? how to set the StatusBar font color of react-native in Android app? Use custom-font in React-Native React-Native - Unrecognized font family 'Ionicons'...
'example.component.html', styleUrls: ['example.component.css'], imports: [IonAccordion, IonAccordionGroup, IonItem, IonLabel],})export class ExampleComponent { constructor() { /** * Any icons you want to use in your application * can be registered in app.component.ts and then * reference...
(to obtain the value, go to and inspect the icon, then use the value found in:before). It is important to note that certain fonticons may not be supported since the embedded fonts in the plugin may be outdated. Thus, it is advisable to try using one of the ...