Once you have InsightFace set up, we can go to town. The process involves two steps: uploading the face you want to use, and uploading the image you want it applied to. To upload the image you want to use, use the /saveid command. ...
Credits henryruhs: for being an irreplaceable contributor to the project ffmpeg: for making video related operations easy deepinsight: for their insightface project which provided a well-made library and models. and all developers behind libraries used in this project.About...
dlib is another solution but I suggest you to use it for detection only, then back to MTCNN for landmarks prediction. Author terencezl commented Mar 1, 2018 Thanks. Tried min-size and thresholds. Will try scale. I looked at it here: https://github.com/deepinsight/insightface/blob/...
How can I use your pretraind model with tensorflow as like @davidsandberg's? Thanks.Collaborator nttstar commented Jan 29, 2018 Not supported currently. We will be happy if someone can contribute a tensorflow/caffe version, like insightface-tensorflow, insightface-caffe, ^^. 👍 4 nttstar...
I use cosine similarity to calculate 2 features similarity,but I am not sure whether it is the best way, so whether cosine similarity is suite for arcface's feature comparing? Is there any other ways to do the feature comparing?cyrojyro commented Sep 19, 2019 you can use sum of squared...
Thank you for once again.I have trained se-res50 with ms1m dataset, then I want to train vgg dataset and treat the model of "se-res50-ms1m" as pretrained model ,but the error appear. How to I should modify the code and the error is: " Fi...
If you can't set/etc/nccl.conf, you can also use$HOME/.nccl.confif not shared between the two nodes. Finally, if you only have those two interfaces, you should not need to set anything since the default isNCCL_SOCKET_IFNAME=^lo,dockerwhich would pick the first interface which is nei...
(the intermediate connection between the backbone and the heads of the model), the authors use an FPN. For the heads, the proposed approach relies on a structure similar to that used in single-stage detectors (SSD). The model is tested on selected subsets from the MAFA and Wider Face ...
PyramidBox implements multiple strategies to use context information to improve the face-detection results. AntiCov—The RetinaFace AntiCov is a customized one-stage face detector based on RetinaFace [29]. The model is publicly available as part of the InsightFace: open-source 2D and 3D deep face...