https://localhost:443/api?id=1=>https://localhost/api?id=1 importhttpsfrom'node:https';importfsfrom'node:fs';importexpressfrom'express';importchalkfrom'chalk';importbodyParserfrom'body-parser';constapp =express();constport =443;constoptions = {key: fs.readFileSync('./localhost.key'),cert...
Yes, I’m using Docker Toolbox on Windows. So, can I set default docker machine IP to be and be able to use “localhost” in my browser URL or it’s not possible under Windows? No; if you’re using Docker Toolbox you have to use I want to reiterate ...
I have no idea, but casdoor supports OIDC which is compatible to openvpn-auth-oauth2 out of the box Yes,it's compatible to openvpn-auth-oauth2 out of the box.However, after configuring the openvpn server, I use the client connec...
security. When people want to use it, it is almost always a result of misunderstanding (not being aware of how CONNECT works to maintain security when proxying https over http proxy). Unfortunately, misunderstanding or not, there are business environments where proxy-over-https is required by ...
If you rannpm run start, and accesshttps://localhost:3000(or the port your app uses, if different - in my case it’s 3008), you should see this warning message: To fix it on macOS, follow the instructions of my tutorialhow to install a local certificate in macOS. ...
(and any host name that a domain name server maps to that address). You cannot use localhost to access a report server, and you cannot use the IP addresses of other network adapter cards that are installed on the report server computer. Typically, if you select this value, it is because...
On the Connect to a server farm page, click Create a new server farm and click Next. On the Specify Configuration Database Settings page: Type in the name of your server into the Database server text box. Use the default Database name of SharePoint_Config. Type in an appropriate Username...
Now that you have a clear idea of how to test HTTPS website and also generating SSL certificates for your website for localhost, you can build a robust website with all the tests performed from the internal environment and deliver a better user experience. Don’t forget to use BrowserStac...
Connect only to the Service Manager from Admin Client. Connect to thehttps://localhost:<service_manager_port>source deployment using the administrator credentials. Important: You must use http or https in the connection string or the Admin Client will not connect. In the given example, a non-...
ngrok http -host-header="localhost:58821" -subdomain my-cool-app 58821 Now, you can use consistently to access your development environment. (information) Info If you are using the Visual Studio extension, specify the subdomain you would like it to use in the...