How to Use "History" with Example SentencesPlay / pause history 0:00 0:00 volume < previous > next history (n): the study of past events; a series of past events Listen to all | All sentences (with pause) Used with adjectives: "She's interested in the recent history of that group...
Becoming a historian is an obvious way for you to put your History degree to good use. A slew of organizations hire people for this role, including museums, nonprofits, and businesses. You’ll research and analyze information and artifacts. You may also have the opportunity to p...
History Graphs are also synced in terms of interaction (panning, zooming, adding notes) i.e., performing an action on one graph applies the same action to the other History Graphs (except toggling legends). Hovering on a Point on the Graph To view a specific report, simply hover over a ...
Use of history is conceptualized as how people actively use the historical culture available to them. Through communication, they explain, build, and transform identities and societies. It is also suggested that use of history is a 3rd aim for history education. In addition to supporting students...
In the above example, we first importeduseHistoryhook from thereact-router-domlibrary. Inside theAppcomponent we invokeduserHistory()hook which returns ahistoryobject. ThenavigateToHomefunction is used to navigate the user to a home route (/). ...
This article centers on a theoretical discussion of how use of history can be addressed as a distinct concept, analytically and pedagogically. The point of departure is the field of history education research in the Nordic countries where the concept has become a term to denote the space of act...
# yum history info httpd Yum – Find Package Info To get a summary of the transactions concerninghttpdpackage, we can issue the following command: # yum history summary httpd Yum – Find Summary of Package It is also possible to use a transactionID, the command below will display details of...
history|grepcd If you want to reuse any previous commands, please check that command’s line number. For example, let’s reuse the cd ~/Documents available in the 9th row: !9 If you want to clear the history, then please use the -c option: ...
If the downgrade fails, you may still be able to downgrade the packages back to the versions you need. How to use yum/dnf to downgrade or rollback some package updates? Diagnostic Steps Doing full system backup prior to any update is always recommended, andyum historyis NOT meant to replac...
Make history useful In Bash, the history command is capable of much more than what's been covered here, but this is a good start for getting used tousingyour history instead of just treating it as a reference. Use thehistorycommand often, and see how much you can do without having to ...