Agent Orange has been linked to many health problems in Vietnam veterans and Vietnamese civilians. Thousands have died from conditions likely brought on by exposure to Agent Orange. The herbicide, and its componentdioxin, is considered to be one of the most dangerous substances in the world [s...
In NT row crop seeding and NT seed drilling, non-weeding led to the highest weed density, while herbicide + hand weeding led to the lowest one. Thus, moderate weeding may be carried out according to the production purpose. In India, the positive returns from understory MT are attributed to...
In NT row crop seeding and NT seed drilling, non-weeding led to the highest weed density, while herbicide + hand weeding led to the lowest one. Thus, moderate weeding may be carried out according to the production purpose. In India, the positive returns from understory MT are attributed to...
The study, however, only took into account constant improvements in all properties (10% yield, 10% less herbicide needed, etc.). In practice some of these targets would be more difficult to achieve than others, whilst some could be achieved simultaneously. In addition, there are positive feed...