Yang Dream, Long Road How to use HaploView HaploView is a program that is used to visualize the LD blocks of SNPs. What I need to do is the following: File >> New Data >> HapMap Download >> then type in the genomic location : chromosome, start and end --- be careful to use Hg...
HapMap SNPs have been shown to be transferable to NIEHS SNPs. However, the transferability of HapMap SNPs does not mean that they can be used to capture all other untyped SNPs. We have analyzed the ability of HapMap SNPs to capture other untyped SNPs in the NIEHS SNPs. Our results show ...
How to use liftover First step, installation: download from UCSC genome browser chmod + x Second, very important: to download the "Chain File". What is "chain file"? --- to transfer the gene data from one build to another . for example, from hg19 to hg18 Third, do like this: liftO...