채택된 답변:Voss I have a x[n] and y[n] . I wish to make a grid in the x and y axis like the figure . Then I want to scatter(x,y) in that grid . I want to identify all the boxes that have atleast one scatter point inside the box . Identify the box with diffe...
The nufftn( )function computes the NUDFT based on provided sample points and optionally, query points. Your goal is to convert your scattered samples into a structured grid, which requires careful setup of both the input data and the target grid. You have 100 random sample points (x, y) ...
Open in MATLAB Online @Asim the first two numbers are the number of rows and columns in the layout of all the plots in a grid. The third number is the "number" of the particular single plot that is in the grid. For example if you have 3 rows and 4 columns, this chart gives th...
expected results as below (@KSSV help in plotting this, but not very sure about the approach) What else I need? I require to know the central value (lat, long values, assume z here zero) of each grid (with the bounded area) so i can use thouse central values to plot oth...
How to Use a Kalman Filter in Simulink | Understanding Kalman Filters, Part 6 From the series: Understanding Kalman Filters Melda Ulusoy, MathWorks This video demonstrates how you can estimate the angular position of a simple pendulum system using a Kalm...
Open in MATLAB Online That is not true. I was working on a Matlab GUI with GUIDE and used the ginput function to select several points on the predefined axes and it worked perfectly. However, when I use the function in the same way in the Maltab App Designer I encounter the described...
Wherem, nare the number of rows and columns of the plot grid, whilepis the index of the plot and it starts from 1 in the upper left corner of the figure and increases from left to right, then top to bottom. How to Use subplot in MATLAB?
This updated code should now function correctly, checking neighboring pixels in the 3x3 grid while avoiding any indexing errors. You can modify the image matrix to test different scenarios. Hope this helps. If you have any further questions or need additional modifications, ...
grid_data.mat Open in MATLAB Online I have prepared data for finding a contour line on the contour map. However, I have to run thousands of simulations and most of the computation is used in opening and closing the figure. Is there a way that I can just save the contourf...
gridon Here we generate some sample data x and y using a step size of 0.1. Then, we plot the data using the plot function. After that, we use the axis function to change the x-axis range to 0 to 10 and the y-axis range to -1 to 1. It the end of the code, we added label...