Fragments to the rescue! It turns out that GraphQL people are also smart and they had the same awkward feeling. Thus they created a thing that allows us to extract a fragment of a query and re-use it in another query. And they called the thing (drumroll please) Fragments. Here's ho...
importReact, {Component}from'react'import{ graphql }from'react-apollo'import{Query}from'react-apollo'importgqlfrom'graphql-tag'importLinkfrom'@material-ui/core/Link';import{ useQuery }from"react-apollo-hooks";importconferencesQueryfrom'../queries/conferences'import{Table,Head,Cell}from'./Table'i...
It’s extremely simple to enable React strict mode in your application. All you have to do is to import the component and use it within your application. import React, { StrictMode } from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import './index.css'; import App from './App'; Rea...
Form, FormikProps, Formik } from "formik"; import * as Yup from "yup"; import { useLazyQuery } from "@apollo/react-hooks"; import { GET_PLATFORM } from "../graphql/platforms"; export default function
Lastly, the open graph specification allows us to providemultipleog:image values. This, in theory, allows the platform to make the best decision about which size to use. And allows people who share some choice over which social image they pick. How different platforms interpret these values, ...
Let's say every widget receives data but can change the view between bar graph, line graph, or table view. In that case, you can create a Context Provider that sets the state of the controls and updates them, and pass them to any consumer. You use createContext() to create a Context...
In this article, we’ll discuss different approaches to establishing a consistent UI theme in a React application and the benefits/trade-offs of each approach. Many large-scale applications we use today tend have a certain theme associated with them. Theme, in this context, can be explained as...
You might also like:How to Build a Shopify App: The Complete Guide. Use GraphQL to upload files for better app performance While it’s not always possible to send a file directly to Shopify, using this approach where it makes sense can improve the performance of your app and reduce the ...
This sample demonstrates how to use the Microsoft Graph JavaScript SDK to access data in Office 365 from React Native mobile apps. - microsoftgraph/msgraph-sample-react-native
If, however, you are like most of us developers and are using one of the other data access libraries (likeSWR,React-Query, or evenApolloGraphQL) you will not be able to use Suspense at the moment. The React team has made clear that their intention is to make Suspense work with APIs ...