如何使用 MS Graph API 以编程方式配置云同步 基本设置 启用租户标志 创建服务主体 创建同步作业 更新目标域 启用配置边栏选项卡上的同步密码哈希 Exchange 混合写回 意外删除 启用并设置阈值 允许删除 启动同步作业 查看状态 后续步骤请使用这些 Microsoft Graph PowerShell 命令来为生产租户启用同步,这是能够为...
To create a new access review, use the commandNew-AzureADMSARSampleAccessReview \n#\n#\n\n# the following functions are from Intune graph API samples, adapted for service principal authentication\n\nfunction Get-GraphExampleAuthTokenServicePrincipal {\n [cmdletbinding()]\n p...
Create the following Powershell script (yes only the 'hostname' command) on your computer and save it as 'hostname.ps1' Hostname Then create the 'list-hostname.ps1' Powershell script (Make sure to edit the X): # #Azure Subscription I want to use$subscriptionId=...
Petri will show and share his tricks and tools which has enabled him to create advanced tools with PowerShell. With these tips and tools you will get your Graph API based scripts done way more easier. These are the tools Petri is using every day himself. Learn...
Use Microsoft Graph to combine information from other services and Intune to build rich cross-service applications for IT professionals or end users. PrerequisitesUse of these Microsoft Graph API Intune PowerShell samples requires the following:...
How to export each file and folder URL via PowerShell or Graph API or MS Graph REST API from SharePoint Online? Is there any such way we can export from whole tenant and give it to users?Microsoft Graph Microsoft Graph A Microsoft programmability model that exposes REST APIs and...
Any help that you might be able to provide would be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance, Noddy All replies (1) Monday, September 2, 2019 6:32 AM Hello Noddy, You can use the PowerShell cmdlet below to retrieve the devices installed for the particular app. You can learn more about...
Microsoft Entra 报告 API通过一组 REST API,让你以编程方式访问数据。 可从许多编程语言和工具中调用这些 API。 本文介绍如何使用 Microsoft Graph 浏览器和 Microsoft Graph PowerShell 分析 Microsoft Entra 活动日志。 先决条件 一个工作 Microsoft Entra 租户,具有与之关联的 Microsoft Entra P1 ...
Use the Module parameter to see the commands in the Microsoft 365 DSC PowerShell module to verify it installed properly. The next step is to connect to a Microsoft 365 tenant. The most straightforward approach is to use theGet-Credentialmethod, although it does not support second-factor...
About This Video This video demonstrates a way to apply tilt effect on controls in Windows Phone 7 application. The sample shows how to give a little motion to standard controls during manipulations (i.e. when they are being touched).