Grammarly is available to use in the Word app on Windows too. Of course, Microsoft Word has a different interface on Windows than on Mac. However, the options and settings remain nearly the same. Install Grammarly on Windows Step 1:OpenMicrosoft Wordon Windows and create anew document. ...
Microsoft Office apps likeWord and Outlook have a built-in editorbut it may be too basic for you. Installing Grammarly not only enhances your writing but also gives you access to advanced features. Grammarly doesn’t require much in terms ofsystem requirements. As long as you are up-to-date...
When you use Grammarly, you can help improve its suggestions. Anytime you hit “ignore” on an unhelpful suggestion, Grammarly gets a little bit smarter. Over time, our team can make adjustments to the suggestions with high ignore rates to make them more helpful. ...
Note:If you are a Grammarly for Business user, you can also take advantage ofstyle guidesuggestions in Microsoft Word or Outlook. If you use Grammarly in Microsoft Outlook, you can use our tone detector to check the tone of your writing. For more details, checkthis article. Deactivating sp...
If you write from home, either for fun or for work, you should know that the use of the spelling application is elementary. It is time for you to learn how to add Grammarly to Word to have that backup that you need when working.
Congratulations! You have now successfully integrated the Grammarly plug-in with your MS Word. Method 2: Adding Add-on to MS Word Another way to add the Grammarly plug-in to your Microsoft Office Word software is through the Microsoft AppSource. ...
Important: Grammarly for Microsoft Word will no longer be updated. We suggest switching to Grammarly for Windows, which supports...
3. Use Word as Normal Write or work within Microsoft Word as normal. You can still check for grammar errors using the traditional checker or by pressing F7. However, when you want to edit in Word, look for the floating Grammarly icon. Click on this to activate its suggestions. You might...
How to use Grammarly with Microsoft Word Once the setup is complete, open an existing Microsoft Word document or create a new one. Navigate to theHome taband click theOpen Grammarlyoption. The Grammarly window will appear on the right side of the screen. The proofreading tool will prompt use...
5. Open Microsoft Word Launch your MS Word and create a new document. You may also opt to open an existing document. Some devices allow Grammarly to work when you open the word processor automatically. Type your sentence, and the add-in will underline your grammar and spelling errors. ...