Bug 1787977 - Include configure in the tree. r=firefox-build-system-r… Aug 30, 2022 configure.py Bug 1916786 - Modernize python/mozbuild/mozbuild to use exist_ok=True… Sep 5, 2024 gradle.properties Bug 1881094 - 7. cleanup firefox-android exclusions in license.yml r=… ...
.vscode chart cucumber docs exampleYmlFiles gradle images pipeline scripts src .git-blame-ignore-revs .gitattributes .gitignore .pre-commit-config.yaml CONTRIBUTING.md DATABASE.md Dockerfile Dockerfile-fat Dockerfile-ultra-lite Endpoint-groups.md FolderScanning.md HowToAddNewLanguage.md HowToUseOCR....
In the recent IntelliJ IDEA versions there is an option to store generated project files externally (available for Gradle and Maven projects): With this option enabled you will no longer see any generated files in .idea directory, including modules.xml. So, if you are not usi...
Microsoft’s cross-platform open source Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is my personal IDE of choice when it comes to Node.js. Build and run configurations are very easy to maintain, the code debugger is seamless and easy to use, and the interface itself is lightweight, efficient, and visually...
Generally, unit test cases are created in separate source folders to keep test codes separate from real source codes. Standard conventions from Gradle and Maven build tools to use are: src/main/java – For Java Classes src/test/java – For Test Classes Static imports are a feature of Java ...
How to Choose the Correct Versions? Find the Gradle version in gradle-wrapper.properties. Check the latest version of google-services in Google's Maven Repository. After applying this fix, the Android app should run correctly. Running the app on iOS ...
In Android, all we have to do is changeminSdkVersionfrom 16 to 19 inandroid/app/build.gradle. Is it just me or is everything always simpler with Android? Upload the file Now that we have publitio added, let’s upload the file we got from ImagePicker. ...
We'll use a Jetty webserver to do this, using the org.eclipse.jetty dependency we added to our mod during the gradle boilerplate process. We want our webserver to load when the game loads, so we will listen on Forge's mod event bus: ...
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings. See https://docs.gradle.org/5.4.1/userguide/command_line_interface.html#sec:command_line_warnings 17 actionable tasks: 2 executed, 15 up-to-date FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. ...
userdictionariesfolder (to avoid conflicts if other developer has the same name) XML files under.idea/librariesin case they aregenerated from Gradle or Mavenproject Legacy project format (.ipr/.iml/.iws files) File-based. Outdated and not recommended for use. ...