1、在本地创建文件夹,比如在E盘下创建Git_Repo文件夹。 2、在Git中选中此文件夹: cd E:\Git_Repo 3、克隆远程仓库 现在我们项目的 GitHub 地址为git@github.com:DeltaFishSoftware/manage.git git clone git@github.com:DeltaFishSoftware/manage.git 输入密码后,远程仓库数据复制到了Git_Repo中,因为我们的仓...
if you fixed a typo, then fixed a bug in a separate part of the file, you should use one commit for each change since they are logically separate. If you do this, each commit will have one purpose that can be easily understood. Git allows you to write a short message explaining what...
HowToUseGitAndGitHub_VersionControlForCode_CourseSummary.pdf review of git and github from udacity Lesson 1 Subtitles.zip review of git and github from udacity Lesson 2 Subtitles.zip review of git and github from udacity Lesson 3 Subtitles.zip review of git and github from udacity MergeConf...
初始化以及准备工作:git init,git add xxx.txt,git commit -m "add xxx.txt. 好了,创建remote:git remote add origin https://github.com/user_name/reflections.git。 git remote能查看remote branch.git remote -v能查看更多的信息。 git pushtakes two arguments, the remote I want to send changes to...
You have now successfully created a GitHub account. Step 2: Create a Local Git Repository After the installation, the next step is to create a localGit repository. To create a Git repository, follow the steps below: 1. Open a Git Bash terminal and move to the directory where you want to...
Step 5:Configure the terminal emulator to use with Git Bash. we have two options : –Use MinTTY –Use default cmd.exe of Windows OS. If you are comfortable with theLinux command line, the former option is recommended, otherwise opt for the second. As the wizard explains, the console wind...
Cloning a GitHub Repository Using Git Bash 1. Navigate to the repository you want to clone. You can use thissample repositoryto try cloning for the first time. 2. Click on theDownloadCodebutton. 3. A box will open when you will click theDownload Codebutton. Click on theCopy to clipboard...
Git url: https://github.com/cameronmcnz/rock-paper-scissors.git Copy this URL to the clipboard because you'll need it in a future step. Step 2: Run the git clone command With the Git URL copied, open a terminal or command window in the folder where you will maintain the remote repos...
HowToGit 學習如何使用git與github。 下載git 連結 下載時注意自己要不要git的桌面連結與右鍵功能。 在Git Bash 中使用指令 git的常用指令(變動值以中文顯示) git設定 查看設定內容: git config --list 設定名稱: git config --global user.name 名稱 設定email: git config --global user.email 信箱 查...
Now, you can interact with GitLab or GitHub specifically. You know that “origin” name, that 99% of git users type without thinking about it? Well, that refers to your primary host, GitLab. This new “github” remote name refers to GitHub (and you’re free to use any other name yo...