I think of GeoPackage as the new shapefile without the old limitations and I encourage you to use it. It is a great format for, well, geo-packaging! However, don’t go as far as thinking it is a full-blown GIS workspace, it doesn’t have geodatabase behaviors like domains and attrib...
I am able to create Two Way Replica from ArcGIS Server 10.4.1 which has a Feature service containing only one Feature Class( Transformers feature class) and I am getting a file like _ags_data{01D644C0D8F0434DA6E65607141EC0EC}.geodatabase in ArcGIS Server directory C:\arcgisserver...
Instructions provided describe the steps to convert AutoCAD DWG files to a GIS-compatible file geodatabase. Note: ArcMap is in Mature support and will be retired March 1, 2026. There are no plans for future releases of ArcMap, and it is recommended that you migrate to ArcGIS Pro. See Mi...
<!--Adds support for direct connect to geodatabases stored in SAP HANA.--> <!--SAP HANA SQL Server Drivers must be present on end users machine.--> <Package id="ProSAPHANA" name="SAP HANA" enabled="false" /> <!--Adds support for direct connect to ...
In the Catalog window, add a connection to the project file geodatabase used in ArcGIS Pro. Refer to ArcMap: Connect to a file or personal geodatabase or an SQLite database for more information. Article ID: 000023367 Software: ArcMap ArcGIS Pro 2 xReceive...
The Upgrade Geodatabase tool updates geodatabase objects in databases to include fixes and new functionality, increments the geodatabase version, and analyzes branch versions.
If you want to permanently reorder fields in ArcGIS, we have two ways to do it. First, you can export your data and use the“field map”method. Secondly, you can use theX-Ray Tool for Catalog. But this one takes a bit of time and effort. ...
There are several methods that can be used to open a geodatabase workspace, each with its own purpose. This document reviews these methods for different types of workspaces and discusses when you may want to use one over the other. To open a workspace, you need to create the appropriate ...
A common question we receive goes something like, ‘How can I use symbols from theGeologic Mapping Templatewith my database?’ The solution is simple, once you have downloaded the geologic mapping template, follow these steps to add its representation symbology to y...
Use Catalog (or Python scripting) to rename the current data then copy and paste in the new data. This could be done at either the geodatabase or feature class level. Restart ArcGIS for Server. This is more robust but I am keen to avoid unnecessary regular downtime.How do you manage ...