Using the Unit Circle in Practice Remember, the unit circle can be used to find two unknown sides of a right triangle with a 30-degree angle and whose longest side, or hypotenuse, is a length of 7. Let's give it a try. Take note of where 30° is on the unit circle. Use that...
In summary, to revolve a function f(x) around the x-axis in MATlab or Mathematica, one can use the Graphics`SurfaceOfRevolution` package in Mathematica or the 'mesh' command in MATLAB. This involves building a line in one plane and rotating it using a 3x3 rotation matrix...
Is there a function in Mathematica that plots simple xRy relations that are not functions, like x==y^2 or x==3 or x^2+y^2==1? RegionPlot[] takes arguments like that but doesn't work for me unless the relation is an inequality. Reply | Flag ...
Running a Mathematica Function in Excel Enter calls to Mathematica in the cell content slot using the format: =EVAL("FunctionName",arg1,arg2, ...) In the following example, we compute the determinant of the matrix defined in cells A1 through B2. Using the Function Wizard for Building Functi...
To build a fully functioning executable from one or more object files, you must run the linker, the ld command in Unix. Programmers rarely use ld on the command line, because the C compiler knows how to run the linker program. So to create an executable called myprog from the two object...
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can use the lovely RLink package to run R code from within Mathematica, including the dplyr package. And, indeed, sometimes this is very useful. Still, there are occasions in which one does not want the overhead of coordinating with R and wants a pure Mathematica solution. Hence this post...
Relation vs. Function. Mapping Diagram for Functions Issues with One to Many and Many to One Although the above guidelines are found in many textbooks, they aredeceptively complicatedto use, because some graphs that have the “many to one” situation aren’t necessarily going to be functions; ...
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