When searching for file uploading examples in React Native, you will find many examples that use external third-party dependencies. However, I prefer to avoid them and find alternative solutions. One solution is to use FormData. The reason for avoiding third-party dependencies and using FormData i...
importReact,{useState}from'react';// Import the CSS fileimport'./index.css';functionApp(){const[formData,setFormData]=useState({username:'',email:'',password:'',confirmPassword:'',});const[errorMessage,setErrorMessage]=useState('');const[successMessage,setSuccessMessage]=useState('');constha...
Example projects that demonstrate how to use Expo APIs and integrate Expo with other popular tools - expo/examples
The updates include an exploration of when to use React Context, an explanation of conditional fetching with useContext, and an overview of the React contextType function.The React Context API was introduced in React v16 as a way to share data in a component tree without needing to pass props...
By the end of this step, you’ll be able to build a form using different form elements, including dropdowns and checkboxes. You’ll also be able to collect, submit, and display form data. Note:In most cases, you’ll use controlled components for your React application. But it’s a ...
I also have an example of the jquery ajax request in documentation, but it is of little help to me. Please help me to write thunk with fetch $(document).ready(function() { var form = new FormData(); form.append("username", "Example"); form.append("email", "example@example.co...
Cookie not being set in Safari Dec 20, 2023 What to do if WebRTC on iOS shows a black box Jul 22, 2022 How to use the FormData object Jun 5, 2022 How to set the fragment part of a URL May 2, 2022 How to get the fragment part of a URL May 1, 2022 How to make an...
Here is my front end that cient send image to server: Here is the method that help user can send image to server: const [imageSelected, setImageSelected] = useState(""); const uploadImage = () => { const formData = new FormData(); formData.append("file", imageSelected); formData....
To use React Scrollview, you first need to install it via npm: npm install react-scrollview –save Once installed, you can create a new ScrollView component using the create() function: var ScrollView = require ( ‘react-scrollview’ ); var MyScrollView = new ScrollView (); MyScrollView ....
To make use of controlled inputs in your React application, add a value prop to your input element: functionApp(){ const[formData, setFormData] = React.useState( { firstName:'', lastName:'' } ); functionhandleChange(event){ setFormData((prevState) =>{ return{ ...prevState, [event.ta...