Today, I’ll show you how easy it is to add and use custom fonts in your React Native project. Step 1:Open terminal, go to the project root directory and run mkdir assets && mkdir assets/fonts Step 2:Copy your custom font to the assets/fonts folder. Step 3:Create a file in the r...
To use Font Awesome icons in React.js without npm and using className, follow these steps: download the Font Awesome CSS file from their website and link it in the HTML file's <head> section.Create the icon element using the <i> tag in your component's r
In React Native, theuseFontsHook is the hook that allows you to load and use custom fonts. It takes an object where the key is the name you want to use to reference the font, and the value is the required statement pointing to the font file. The syntax looks like this: useFonts({s...
Discussed in #1201 Originally posted by KrisLau December 13, 2022 I'm trying to use the Text component but I don't need a custom font so I'd preferably like to use the system default font. Is there a way to do so right now? I know there ...
In the above output, users can see that text is aligned center vertically. Use thealignItemsandflexCSS Properties to Align Text Vertically at the Center in React-Native As thejustifyContentCSS property,alignItemsalso allows us to center the text vertically. When we use thecentervalue for theali...
We define a functionrenderHeaderthat renders the interface of the header we need. And then pass the function for rendering to React NativeFlatListcomponent as aHeader. Besides this way, you can header by usingListHeaderComponentprop and with the help of thestate. Additionally, in the stylesheet...
In this tutorial, you will learn how to use; ReactNative, CometChat, and Firebase to build a one-on-one chat app with a stunning UI.
This is where the Fetch API comes in; it's a modern JavaScript API for making API requests supported by most modern browsers and environments, including React Native. Getting started To get our React Native project up and running, we'll use the Expo CLI. Expo CLI is a command-line interf...
<iclass="ms-Icon ms-font-xl ms-Icon--Table ms-fontColor-themePrimary"></i> Fabric components Fabric React provides UX components for input, navigation, notification, and other categories. It builds on and includes Fabric Core. Recommended components you can use in your add-in are as follow...
React Native's bundler doesn't seem to look at these. Which triggers another question: why does RN use its own bundler instead of Webpack or Browserify? There may be other potential issues lurking in there, already solved by existing bundlers. There is an entire ecosystem of transformers, ...