Now that you’re done recording, it’s time to use your recording software to edit, add effects, and clean up your audio before syncing it to the video. You can add music and sound effects to make the video more appealing. Noise Reduction with CrumplePop Noise reduction is one of the ...
There are multiple ways to do this. Create a website. WordPress users can use the Blubrry PowerPress plugin. Drupal users have the Podcast (using Views) module. There’s also Podcast Generator, a web application you can install on your web server to manage created podcasts. All you need ...
Not surprisingly, hardware manufacturers arecatching onto the iPad’s potential in the recording studio. Some audio interfaces, such as the $160Focusrite iTrack Solo, are specifically designed for use with the iPad, featuring all the things you might expect on an audio interface (multiple input c...
The last time I upgraded my PC was when X2 stopped supporting Windows XP, but even then I was still running 32 bit on Windows 7. It was only when I wanted to use some 64 bit only plugins that I moved to Windows 10, and then as a result had to retire my 2 x Yamaha DS2416 PCI...
Focusrite Focusrite is featured in My New Microphone'sTop 11 Best Audio Interface Brands In The World. Connect the hub-style interface to the computer and connect as few or as many microphones as the interface has inputs for. In my home studio, I have the popular Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 USB...
When the band broke up, I started recording music using GarageBand on an iPad. From there, I slowly upgraded my setup and added new gear. I currently use a Focusrite audio interface and the Scarlett microphone for vocals and an Apogee Jam for guitar and bass. I don't have a dedicated ...