I wouldn't use Speech Volume Leveler on an ACX recording. It can have a habit of sucking up the quiet bits and causing hiss depending on recorded quality. It can also accentuate breaths. I'd add in some light compression to even out the up and downs of your wave...
Our floor was in great condition, but this is also the step where you’ll want to fill or repair any cracks (using a product like this crack repair sealant or this more pourable concrete filler). You may also need to use a degreaser or paint stripper to remove any stick residue that’...
I made the cake using a bundt cake pan and 2 6-inch cake pans. But you can use almost anything you have at hand. I give you several options below. You just have to make it tall enough to cover Barbie’s long legs. We chose the base of the cake to be strawberry pink, of course...