15.2 How to write a topic sentence 如何写主题句 本课程严格遵循《英语专业本科教学质量国家标准》的指导思想,充分考虑到不同层次、不同定位的英语类专业学生的需求,着力以英语写作为手段,培养学生的交际能力、跨文化能力和思辨能力,充分体现以“全人教育”理
Instead, use evocative language: "My eyelids felt heavy, and the world seemed to fade into a hazy blur." 7. End Strong: Conclude your writing with a memorable sentence or thought that leaves a lasting impression. Example: "As I drifted off to sleep, I felt a d...
16.1 How to support the topic sentence (1)支撑段落主题的方式(1) 本课程严格遵循《英语专业本科教学质量国家标准》的指导思想,充分考虑到不同层次、不同定位的英语类专业学生的需求,着力以英语写作为手段,培养学生的交际能力、跨文化能力和思辨能力,充分体
For example, if your protagonist is a recently divorced woman, telling or showing the reader what led to the divorce before your book began is exposition. It’s something that isn’t actually happening in the plot, but that’s important for the reader to know. These background details helps...
Flashback Tell your students a story (or play a segment of a radio or video program). To make this activity more difficult, choose a story that begins in the middle or one that consists of flashbacks, so that the events of the story are not told in chronological order. After the story...
Or is it a flashback? Who is in the scene? Do you need more or fewer characters? What happens in the scene? What is the scene about? Keep in mind that these are not necessarily the same question. Example: a couple working together on an overwhelming home renovation project might be ...
A short story, like most writing, needs to use the best English possible. WhiteSmoke's English grammar and spell check will help you edit your story when it's done. Use the unique writing enhancement feature to suggest words while you are writing the sho
skips ahead. If you use flashback, you can start your essay nearthe moment of final suspense, and then jump back in time to when the conflict was first introduced. This takes a bit of finesse with your pacing, but if you can pull it off, it is a sophisticated way to start your ...
Leslie when she startles him with a kiss. By abruptly launching into the kiss mid-sentence, Styron is able to catch his readers off-guard. This helps allow the reader to experience the shock of an unexpected peck. Another use of Styron’s unpredictable writing style centers around the ...
A gerund is a verbal noun that is formed by adding -ing to a verb. It functions as a noun in a sentence, allowing the action of the verb to be treated as a subject, object, or complement. Generate Examples gerund in English for students in writing for beginners in grammar for grade ...