Note:the package name might befd-findin some package managers, and you may need to use the commandfdfindinstead offd. You can alias it tofdby adding aliasfd=fdfindto your shell’s configuration file (e.g.,.bashrcor.zshrc). How to Usefd 1. Search for Files by Name Syntax:fd PATTERN...
Here,<options>represent any additional flags or modifiers you can use with the command, and<command>specifies the action you want to perform, such as installing, upgrading, removing, or searching for packages. 1. Update Ubuntu System Packages The ‘update‘ command is used to resynchronize the ...
In addition to the applet, there are a few tools that you can use to query and control NetworkManager from your shell. For a very quick summary of your current connection status, use the nm-tool command with no arguments. You’ll get a list of interfaces and configuration parameters. In ...
Next, you shouldmake sure that all the crucial applications (you cannot function without) are available in the new Ubuntu version. For example, if you use a specific embroidery software for your business, and it is not available for the new release yet, you may want to hold on to the up...
I have found that the easiest way to get your feet wet with thegrep commandis to just dive right in and use some real-world examples. 1. Search and Find Files in Linux Let’s say that you have just installed a fresh copy of the new Ubuntu on your machine and that you are going ...
Get the Source Code for a Ubuntu Software Package with apt If you want the source code for a package, you can use the following command: Syntax: $ sudo apt source “package-name” Example: For example, if I want to get the source code of the firefox package, I will use the following...
Depending on your Linux system, theatcommand may not be pre-installed. Check ifatis installed by entering the command name in the terminal: atCopy If the utility isn't pre-installed, the output message statesCommand 'at' not found. Follow the steps below to installatonUbuntu or Debian: ...
In order to know how to use the APT command, open up your terminal and invoke the command : man apt This will open up a help file full of information about the syntax and usage of the APT command : x x How to install XFCE 4.16 on Ubuntu 20.04 (Mint, Zorin, MX) ...
So in this tutorial, I will walk you through how to install and use the duf command in Linux. Installing duf If you are on Ubuntu 22.04 or Debian unstable, you can use the apt package manager for straightforward installation: sudo apt install duf ...
Or, use this shorter command: nmcli dev show | grep DNS Read:Securing Ubuntu: Best Practices for Keeping Your System Safe 3– Ping your router:Find your router’s IP address (often listed as the “GATEWAY” in the nmcli device show <interface name> output). Then, ping it: ...